County of Huron Minutes & Agendas

As of August 2024, all Agendas and Minutes are now posted under our new agenda management system "Peak Agenda".

Attending an Online Council or Committee Meeting

Welcome to Huron County's Meetings Agenda Portal! This user friendly Meeting Portal provides access to information regarding Council and Committee/Board meetings through agenda packages.

The portal increases transparency by enabling our citizens to learn about meetings, search for documents, view reports, and more!

We are continually adding information to this site. Please keep checking back for newest additions. If you are looking for a specific Agenda package but cannot find it, please contact County Clerks Department at 519-524-8394 or by email at scronin[at]huroncounty[dot]ca.

Accessibility Accommodations

If you require access to information in an alternate format, please contact the County Clerk’s office.

We attempt to make all online documents accessible, however some documents may not meet all AODA Accessibility requirements. If you require assistance or communication support, please contact the County Clerk.

Meeting Date Meeting Type Meeting Location Online Agenda Download Agenda Minutes Recap Legal Minutes
Date Title Item Video Category Meeting Type Location Online Item